GitHub Action Hello World


Write a GitHub Action Hello World following the tutorial at section Hello Actions World!.

  1. Save the action code in repo hello-js-action-aluXXX,
    • Change the visibility of this repo to public (go to settings/manage access)
  2. Inside repo use-hello-js-action-aluXXX save the project using the action and
  3. In repo hello-js-action-super build a repo having the former two as submodules
  4. Write your report in the superproject repo.
  5. Set GitHub pages
    • Set the main branch and the root of the superproject
    • Choose one of the page supported themes for the static generator Jekyll
    • Set the URL in the description section of the superproject

Optional Step

If you feel enthusiastic about GitHub Actions, continue using the repo actions/javascript-action as a template and follow the instructions. Save the action code in repo hello-js-action-aluXXX but in a branch with name optional.

To use this new action, you have to reference it in the client repo like this:

  - uses: ULL-ESIT-PL-1920/hello-js-action-aluXXX@optional  # Reference a branch

Pay special attention to how the tests were written in this example.

Video de la clase de PL del curso 2020-04-01 sobre GH Actions



Incidencias para el Project Board para la práctica

GitHub Action Hello World

  • La acción está publicada y se usa correctamente

  • Las GitHub pages funcionan correctamente en el super repo

  • Se ha instalado Jekyll y puede ver las páginas generadas en local

  • Opcional: En la práctica anterior se ha extendido la CI para Mac OS y Windows