Miércoles 21/04/2021
Insides on evaluate and on how to Access JS Methods
Lest’s follow step by step the file examples/map-js-chain.egg.evm
remote: ULL-ESIT-PL-2021/private-egg path: campus-virtual/shared/egg/eloquentjsegg
➜ eloquentjsegg git:(private2021) ✗ head examples/map-js-chain.egg.evm
"type": "apply",
"operator": {
"type": "word",
"name": "do"
"args": [
"type": "apply",
"operator": {
resulting from compiling this Egg program:
define(x, array(1,2,3,4)),
define(inc, fun(x,i,_, +(x,1))),
this allow us to dig in the following points:
- The uplifting of ASTs from JSON to objects and from objects to Classes
- Review how the evaluation process works
- The evaluation of JS methods
Insides on Currying
Let us follow with the debugger the execution of this program
➜ eloquentjsegg git:(private2021) ✗ cat examples/curry-method.egg
do {
print(4["+", 5](3)) # 4.(+,5)(3) # 12
Que hemos visto
Insides on how to access the methods of the underlying JS objects